۱۳۹۶ خرداد ۲۰, شنبه

Iran: ISIS Terrorist Attacks and Mullahs’ Crisis

About Shahriar Kia  4 Articles
Shahriar Kia is a human rights activist and a political analyst writing on Iran and the MIdlle East. As a member of the Iranian opposition, he dedicated his life for the freedom of his people in Iran. He graduated from University of North Texas (USA).

ISIS claimed responsibility for the recent attacks in Iran, but it’s important to consider history before offering sympathy to the Iranian regime.
For the first time on June 7th ISIS claimed responsibility for staging an attack in Iran, involving a twin assault on two sites in Tehran, the capital. This terrorist attack left 17 killed and dozens of others wounded in the parliament and the tomb of former Iranian regime leader Ruhollah Khomeini.

                                                                             Maryam Rajavi             
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, condemned the shedding of innocent people’s blood under any pretext. “ISIS’s conduct clearly benefits the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader Khamenei, who wholeheartedly welcomes it as an opportunity to overcome his regime’s regional and international impasse and isolation. The founder and the number one state sponsor of terror is thus trying to switch the place of murderer and the victim and portray the central banker of terrorism as a victim,” Mrs. Rajavi added.
What is known as ISIS was established in 1999 in Iraq under the leadership of Abu Masab al-Zarqawi. After a very mysterious attack on a very famous prison in Iraq, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and many other senior ISIS members were able to flee. This took place under the watch of former prime minister Nouri al-Maliki, who himself was under the intense influence of Tehran.

At a time when Tehran claims to fight ISIS in Syria and Iraq, this group never staged even one attack in Iran until June 7th. Now there is this question about what has led ISIS to stage such an attack?
During the past few months, Tehran has been plunged into crises due to a variety of developments. The era of Obama’s appeasement policy vis-à-vis Iran has come to an end. Donald Trump entered the White House with a policy based on a firm resolve against Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile program, and it’s meddling in the affairs of other countries. Congress took major steps to establish new sanctions against Tehran.

A strong coalition of 55 Arabic and Muslim countries, alongside the US, has been established in the face of Iran’s meddling and terrorism in neighboring countries and is threatening this regime.
The recent presidential election results led to the weakness of this regime in its entirety, especially the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. And finally, Tehran’s main opposition, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MEK), became the force of widespread protests across Iran, able to guide these rallies with the start of Iran’s election season and continue forward.
In such circumstances, the Iranian regime needed an escape route from its current crises. ISIS staged its attack in the most protected area of Tehran, without any previous record of having any cell or support. The Iranian regime was the only party that profited from this attack!
It is worth noting that Iran has a history of resorting to similar measures when pinned against insurmountable crises. For example, on June 20th, 1994, at a time when thousands of people had filled the Imam Reza Shrine, considered Iran’s holiest site in the country located in the northeastern city of Mashhad, a powerful bombing left dozens of pilgrims killed and hundreds wounded.

The Iranian regime raised allegations against its main opposition, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). Khamenei sent a message demanding the PMOI be punished, including expulsion from European countries and Iraq. Five years later, as light was shed on the “chain murders” in Iran, evidence surfaced showing the role of Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) in the Mashhad bombing. In 1999 Iran’s Armed Forces Judiciary Organization issued a statement accusing Saeid Emami, then Iranian deputy minister of intelligence under Ali Fallahian, acknowledging further the MOIS role in this attack.

Of course, there are those who are surprised to hear Iran and ISIS were in an unwritten agreement, similar to that of the Assad regime and ISIS. I don’t believe there should be any surprise, considering the fact that both parties believe they have reached their endings. The mullahs, losing their war against the Iranian people, and ISIS being more vulnerable than ever before against a global coalition. Their golden era has come to an end. Without a doubt, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) must be blacklisted and Tehran’s associated militias expelled from Syria, Iraq, and Yemen.

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